Leadership Gauge
Leadership tips

The Leadership Gauge

We are judged as leaders based on how we react to feelings of doubt and uncertainty. And the bright side of that is that our reactions and responses are always within our control. The leader that erupts and attacks will lose respect. The leader that acknowledges and encourages will gain it. Your team needs to feel the energy and warmth coming from your conviction to succeed.


All of the judgments your team makes about you can be thought of on a scale of their belief in you: trust, faith, respect and value. Everyone starts at neutral, or slightly positive or negative depending on your reputation and what others have heard about you. Your actions push the dial left or right but even relationships at the maximum can be moved given time and motivation.


You have to make deposits into each of these wells before you can make withdrawals.


I believe you when you say you are going to do something.


I like the direction that we are heading in.